Friday, August 16, 2024

Room For Another

 My roommate, Cord Friis was killed in a traffic accident on July 20th. He was heading home from a memorial when a Prius hit his motorcycle; he died from blunt force trauma. This was a eulogy I intended to give:

I can’t say I knew Cord for a long time. We were roommates for a little under five years. I moved into the apartment in November 2019, mere months before the pandemic shut everything down. We hit it off almost immediately. We both grew up fans of The Simpsons, and we would occasionally quote lines from 90s episodes to each other. In this instance, I am reminded of the end of the season seven episode “Two Bad Neighbors,” where Homer meets former President Gerald Ford. Basically, Ford walks up to Homer and asks, “Do you like football? Do you like nachos? We can drink beer and watch the football game.” Cord straight-up said we had a lot in common and that this would be a good living arrangement. 

I cannot understate what a luxury it was to have a chef as a roommate during peak COVID. We feasted like kings. However, Cord was used to keeping second shift hours and was a perfectionist in the kitchen. Thus, dinner wasn't ready most nights until after 10 PM, but damn was it good. I’m not a broccoli cheddar guy, but he made exquisite broccoli cheddar soup.

As you’d imagine, Cord and I frequently talked about sports, especially football. We bonded over Da Bears; if I heard him screaming at the TV, I knew he had the game on. Even though he was a Cubs fan, he tolerated my 2015 Royals World Series flag in the dining room. It was a treat to have someone I could talk sports with in the house, something I hadn't enjoyed since my father died 8 1/2 years ago.

Cord was also a prankster, and when I first heard Cord was in the accident, in the back of my mind I thought he was pulling a fast one. Then I realized he wouldn’t leave behind the cat and the plants without any notice, let alone a fridge filled with his groceries. With that said, Meowser is fine, but she’s still a little confused. The plants haven’t said a word.

In the days following his sudden death, it was a challenge to go about my normal routine. My friend and improv partner Dan Anderson invited me to a Cubs-Brewers game at Wrigley that following Tuesday. After the game, I tried my luck at getting autographs outside the Brewers’ team bus on Sheffield Avenue. The first player to stop outside was a relief pitcher named Jared Koenig, and I was taken aback by his resemblance to Cord. You can Google him right now if you don’t believe me. Regardless, Jared signed my baseball card, and he was polite and gracious with the fans. I suppose I took this weird coincidence that everything must be just fine.

With that said, I had intended to say most of this out loud at Cord's celebration of life last Saturday. I want to thank Marcy and Jillian for trying to give me an opportunity to say a few words; the time never came. There was a Bears preseason game, and I was imaging that he'd be emotionally invested in that meaningless scrimmage. Regardless, I’m sure Cord would’ve appreciated this memorial.


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